2.Selecting Cells in the Spread sheet.

3.Entering texts and values in the cells.

4.Doing Calculations in spreadsheet.

fx toolbar in spreadsheet.

Math functions in spreadsheet.

5.SAVE and LOAD the worksheet.

6.Copy and Paste functions in spreadsheet.

7.String functions:

8.Format and Delete functions:


The text boxes and buttons at top are tools for this spread sheet application. This sheet contains 100 rows and 100 columns. The top left text box will show the location of your selected cell in spreadsheet in the format of [ row_no,column_no]. example [1,1] shows that you selected the cell meeting at first row and first column.[1,1][1,1] shows that you selected single cell. This will change as [1,1][10,10] when you selected range of cells between [1,1] and [10,10] and selected cells will change to yellow color.

2.Selecting Cells in the Spread sheet.

In the above sheet click on the cell [1,1] and you will see the following screen.

Click on [6,1] you will see the following screen.

You will see that your selection is shown as [6,1][6,1] in location indicator text box at top left. To select the range of Cells . Click on the Range button after selecting the first cell and then select another cell which will select all the cells within the range and all cells within the range will become yellow in color. For example in the above sheet first select [10,1] and then Range button once and then select [1,5]. You will see the range as shown below. And you will see [1,1][10,5] in location indicator.

3.Entering texts and values in the cells.

First select [1,1] and then type something in input box and then press enter key or go button in tools. You will see the entries in the selected cells. For example select [1,1] and then type Hello in input text box as shown below.

Then press Enter key or press go button in tool box. You will see the following screen as shown below.

The “Hello” is entered in cell[1,1] and your cell selection is changed to just below the previous cell that is [2,1][2,1] and you will see your location in the location indicator.Now enter some value that is 10 in input box and press enter key. You will see the following screen.

You will see that the values / numbers are right justified and text is left justified.

4.Doing Calculations in spreadsheet.

Now I want to add +10 to value in cell [2,1] and put the value in the current selected cell[3,1]. For that in the input box enter “=” sign and then click the cell[2,1] and you will see the following in input box as shown below. The contents in the input box is =[2,1].

Now type +10 in the input box after =[2,1] as =[2,1]+10 and You will see the following screen as below.

After pressing ‘go’ button you will see the following screen.

Now you will see that the contents of [3,1]=20 . This is calculated as Value at [2,1]+10. The formula is =[2,1]+10. Similarly you can subtract 5 from the value at [3,1] by entering =[3,1]-5 and then press enter key. You need not type [3,1] in the formula. After entering ‘=’ sign in the input box click on cell [3,1] and then type -5 and then press enter.You will see the formula as =[3,1]-5 and after pressing ‘go’ button you will see the following screen.

You can go and select the cells with values and formula to see the values or formulas present in those cells. The contents in input box will show formula or values in the selected cells. For example now select the cell [3,1] you will see the following screen with contents of input box displays the formula in that cell.

Now you will see that the input box shows the formula =[2,1]+10 and now you can edit the formula in input box. For example put the cursor at + sign and retype to change it as * and your formula will change as =[2,1]*10 as shown below.

Now press enter key or ‘go’ button. You will see the sheet as below.

Now you will see the contents of [3,1] = [2,1]*10 which is equal to (10*10=100) and the contents in [4,1] is also changed as per formula [4,1]=[3,1]-5 which is equal to (100-5=95). Similarly you can change the formula in [4,1] as =[3,1]/2 as below.

Now press ‘go’ button will show the following change.

Now you will see that the contents of [4,1]=[3,1]/2 which is (100/2=50). Now you understood basic calculation of +,-,*,/.

Now will see the =sum function which is used for summing up of columns or rows or range of cells. For that in the above screen select the cell [11,1] as shown below.

Now you will see the location indicator as [11,1][11,1]. In the input box type ‘=sum(’ and you will see the following screen.

Now click on [1,1] and then click on [10,1]you will see the following screen.

Now press “)” button or type from keyboard and now the formula box will show as =sum([1,1][10,1]) and then press enter or ‘go’ button. You will see the following screen.

Now go back to the cell [11,1] to see the formula =sum([1,1][10,1]) which is summation of values in Cells [1,1][2,1][3,1][4,1]..[10,1] and works out to be 160 as above. Now you go to cell [1,1] and correct the contents "Hello" to 20.25 as shown below .

Now press ‘go’ button. The screen will be as shown below.

In the above screen you will see that the contents in [1,1] is changed from ‘Hello’ to 20.25 and the =sum[1,1][10,1] formula in [11,1] also changed the contents of [11,1] as 180.25.

One more calculation is the power of and square root of values. Now select the cell [3,2] as shown below.

You will see the location indicator as [3,2][3,2]. Now in the formula box type ‘=Math.sqrt’ or insert from fx button.You will see the following screen.

now you can pick "=" button,"sqrt" button, then select the cell [3,1], ")" button

After pressing go button you will see the following screen

Now square root of [3,1] is placed in [3,2], which is 10. You can click on [3,2] to see the exact syntax of formula as shown below.

You will see the formula as =Math.sqrt([3,1]) . This is Native javascript formula for finding the root value. Similarly you can do Power of or Exponent function as follows. Now you want to find the value of [4,1] raised to the power of 3 and place it in the cell[4,2]. Now select the cell [4,2] and then click on ‘=’ button and then from fx toolbar select "pow" will show the formula box as below.

Then pick [4,1] and then type ",3)" will show the screen below

After pressing "go" button you will see the following

Now you will see that the contents of [4,2] is value of [4,1] raised to the power of 3 which is (50*50*50=125000). Go back to the cell [4,2] to see the syntax of the formula. You will see the screen as below.

This formula =Math.pow([4,1],3) is also Native Javascript formula. Similarly any native javascript formula can be used anywhere. For example I want to find Minimum of [3,1] and [4,1] and put it in the cell [5,2]. Select the cell [5,2] and then type the formula as =Math.min([3,1],[4,1]) and then press enter or ‘go’ button.go back to [5,2] will show the syntax of formula as in the following screen.

You will see the formula bar as =Math.min([3,1][4,1]) which means the minimum value of [3,1] or [4,1] which is 50 in this case. Similarly any valid javascript Math formula can be used in this spread sheet.

The "fx" formula tool bar may be closed by pressing "close" button on toolbox.

The other formula are entered in the worksheet and you can click on the cells to know the format of the formula entered.

dtor(degrees) converts degrees into radians.refer the screen below.

rtod(radians) converts radians into degrees.refer the screen below.

Math.acos(numeric) gives Arc_cos value in radians.

Math.asin(numeric) gives Arc_sin value in radians.

Math.atan(numeric) gives Arc_tan value in radians.

Math.cos(radians) gives the cos value of radians.

Math.sin(radians) gives the sin value of radians.

Math.tan(radians) gives the tan value of radians.

Math.min(value1,value2) gives the minimum of 2 values.

Math.min(value1,value2) gives the maximum of 2 values.

Math.abs(value) gives the positive value of the argument if it is negative.

Math.round(value) gives the value rounded of to an integer.

Math.ceil(value) gives the value rounded of to higher side integer.

Math.floor(value) gives the value rounded of to lower side integer.

Math.PI gives the value of PI. you can see the format of the formula by clicking the cells.

5.SAVE and LOAD the worksheet.

Click on the Save button to save the worksheet.The screen will be as below.

Select all in the textarea and save it in the notepad -"fx.txt".

contents of "fx.txt" file is given below. you can use it for loading in the work sheet.

You can reload or refresh the page to get empty sheet as follows.

Click on the Load button. The screen will be as below.

Now paste the contents in notepad into text area as shown below.

click on "ok" button will load the sheet as follows

The number of decimal places are more than eight.You can select the range and then click on "Fmt" button will load the sheet as follows and give no of decimal paces as "8" in the input popup

Then click on "ok" button will show the folowing screen

6.Copy and Paste functions in this spreadsheet.

Now there is formula =sum([1,1][10,1] in cell [11,1]. To copy the formula from cell [11,1] to [11,2] do the following. First select the cell [11,1] as shown below

Now press "Copy" button once.Then select the cell [11,2] as shown below.

Now just press "Paste" button once as shown below and you will see the following screen.

Now go back to Cell [11,2] to see the formula as below.

You will see the formula in cell [11,2] is =sum([1,2][10,2]) and the value in the cell [11,2] is the summation of cells [1,2][2,2][3,2] …[10,2] as seen in the above sheet. If you want to paste the value of [11,2] at [12,2]. Select the cell [12,2] and press "Pasv" button the result will be as shown below.

Now you will see the same 180 is put in the cell [12,2] also. This is similar to Paste Values in Excel spread sheet.

Copy and paste with range.

Now select the cell [1,1] and then Range button once and then select cell [11,1] to select the range as shown below.

Now press Copy button once.Select the cell [1,3] and press "Paste" button once and the result will be as shown below.

Now go to Cell [1,4] and then press "Pasv" button and you will see the following screen.

Now go to cell [11,4] and see the contents. You will see only the value of 180. Since Pasv button will paste only values from copy range.. see below.

7.String functions:

In this spreadsheet program you can do string concatenation, substring functions also. Let us see the new screen as follows.In the blank screen in the cell[1,1] enter "India" and in the cell [2,1] enter "Tamilnadu".Then in the cell [3,1] enter =”[1,1]”+”[2,1]” and then press "go" button.Go back to the Cell [3,1] to see the syntax of the formula.

The screen will be as follows.

Now go to cell [3,2] and enter =”[3,1]”.substr(0,5) and press "go" button.Go back to cell[3,2] and enter see the syntax as below.

Similarly the string starting from 6th character to a length of 5 characters is put in cell [3,3] as follows.

You can also mix numerical formula with text also as below. I just entered the formula ="sum="+sum([1,1][10,1]) in cell [11,1] and the screen will be as shown below.

8.Format and Delete functions:

Format function is used for displaying no of decimal places of values. In the above sheet select the Range of cells [1,1] to [11,1].Then click on "Fmt" button.The screen will be as follows.

In the above popup you are asked to fill in the no of decimal places . type "2" in the text box in popup window and then press OK button you will see the following.

You see all the values selected in the range are formatted with 2 decimal places. But the cell [11,1] is not formatted since it contains both string and values mixed.

The formatted values are not correct values and they are rounded of to number of decimal places as per format. To see the full values without truncation any time you cam press ‘Nfmt’ button and you will see the following screen.

Deleting Cells:

Select the cell [3,2] .Now press ‘Del’ button will delete the value in the selected cell and the screen will be as follows.

Seect the range of cells and press "del" button as folows.